
Design Ideas for Printing on Pocket T-Shirts


Posted by AllDayShirts on to Printing Business Tips, Product Guides

One of the more fashion-friendly options we have at is the pocket T-shirt. While our normal T-shirts can have basically any design on it, the pocket T-shirt requires more creativity to look natural, yet awesome at the same time.

The pocket T-shirt is a staple of today’s men’s fashion. There are a variety of different large companies promoting various pocketed T-shirts for retail sale. However, more and more small companies are starting to print their own designs on T-shirts, so it is important to learn how to properly design a pocketed shirt.

If you’re on this page, you might have realized that your typical designs might not work with your pocket T-shirts. Lucky for you, we understand the struggle, and are here to help!

Here are some tips for creating a stellar pocket t-shirt with awesome designs!

Selecting a Background Color

One important aspect of designing a pocket t-shirt is selecting the background color of the shirt. This is mostly a stylistic decision. Do you want the pocket to pop, or would your design look best with a seamless transition between the shirt and its pocket? Either way, there are options, and it is completely up to you.

You should always keep your design in mind when selecting your background color. If your design is a light blue pattern, a light blue shirt would not be beneficial because the design would blend in.

Lucky for you, our color variety for pocket t-shirts is very deep. Whether you need the basic white or black, or even ivory or lagoon blue, we have it. Not only that, but our products will also suit people of all shapes and sizes!

Another important idea to keep in mind is to make sure the design on the pocket matches the aesthetic you’re trying to accomplish. What’s the most important part of the shirt? Is it the design on the pocket, or should the pocket simply complement the design? Some designs are rather simple and have a centered design on the pocket that draws attention to the entire shirt. An example of this can be found below.

Pocket Design Green

While the t-shirt and the design are both green, the pocket is a bright yellow color to accentuate the art on the pocket.

One of the best ways to handle this dilemma is to select what your design will look like. Once you set up a creative framework for your idea, then you’ll know exactly what you can print the design on!

So, let’s discuss some possible pocket T-shirt design ideas!

Try an Inverted Color Scheme

Using the color relationship between the tee and its pocket can be a great way to take your designs to the next level. For this option, choose two different colors to give the design a trendy, inverted look. For example, if you take a black T-shirt, and put a different color pocket on it, it will stand out to the customer. The design can take up the entire pocket, or it can be just words or designs on the pocket. 

Inverted Pocket design

The picture above is an example of a pocket that simultaneously acts as the design. The shirt itself is very plain, however, the pocket brings an added dimension to the product that makes it shine.

This next picture shows how one can put the design on the pocket itself. This creates a different effect instead of simply having the whole pocket be designed.

Pockets with Dimension

Pockets with Dimension

Adding dimension to your pocket tee is a great way to create an illusion. Playing off the pocket, you can create cool designs that allow the viewer to see depth in the t-shirt. In the image below, you can see that the pocket acts as the land above sea level. Then, beneath it, you can see ocean life swimming on the T-shirt.

 Pocket T-Shirt Prop

Use the Pocket as a Prop

On the other hand, you might want to have the pocket accentuate the art. What I mean by this is, maybe, do not put any design on the pocket at all. Some artists use the pocket as a prop, meaning it just helps to create a surface or structure for the design of the t-shirt.

One example of this concept is found below. Notice how the bear looks like he is covered in blood. However, when you move the pocket, it becomes obvious he was just slicing up some fruit!

Bear Pocket Tee

Conclusion and Final Notes

After reading this, are you interested in purchasing Pocket T-shirts to design? Look no further! We have a ton of options for you.

Some of our best-selling pocket T-shirts come from the dominant brand Gildan. If you’re unfamiliar with the company, it’s the number one overall T-shirt manufacturer in the United States. Their pocket T-shirts are a fan favorite here at Some of their best sellers include the Gildan G230 and G241. These products are perfect for your print and design needs. Some of the best qualities of these shirts are their durability and comfortability, for a great price. If you are looking for a cost-friendly option to purchase for your company, or just want to make a pocket t-shirt for yourself, these are both great options.

On top of those, we also offer products from Comfort Colors, a Gildan line that features an expansive color selection for all your printing needs. The Comfort Colors line differs from the standard Gildan products in that they are more distressed-looking colors that are very stylish. Our most popular products include the Comfort Colors 6030CC and the C4410

An important warning to keep in mind when designing pocket tees, not all pockets on the shirts are created equally. Some pockets may be slightly smaller or bigger. Therefore, leave a little bit of space on the edges of your design to adjust to this possibility.

While we do not offer free samples to test your design on, our company does not have a minimum shipping requirement. Therefore, you can buy one shirt to test before you commit to a large purchase.

We wish you luck in all your shopping and design adventures!

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