The Sun, Moon, Stars, and more all play a part in our daily lives, affecting our personality traits and desires as you cycle through your astrological chart. One powerful trait believed to be affected by your horoscope is creativity! There are hundreds of ways to express your creativity through apparel through business or hobbies! Here, we organized each zodiac sign’s January horoscope features that hone in on the traits that will lead your apparel adventure to success!
Welcome to 2021, Aries. This long-awaited New Year asks you to reassess your friendships and social media. Your values are changing; Some of your alliances may no longer reflect your new vision. Your tribe will be under construction this year. Those who feel stagnant and not open to change will no longer hold out. Both Jupiter and Saturn are holding court there, imploring you to question your friendships and what you value most. 2020 laid the foundation for radical advancements in these areas of your life. Maybe it's time to eliminate some people, to break free of those with whom you no longer align, leaving room for a new expanded social circle that opens your view of the world and, most importantly, wakes you up. Aries, you will yearn to free yourself from various limitations, you will seek the desire to contribute something to the world. But for what? Start conjuring that genius! Mars, your North Star, moves into Taurus on January 6, activating your talents, values, self-esteem, and money. Aries, it's time to focus on your abilities, to invest in yourself. It is Worth it! The values have changed; what you once wanted no longer serves you. You can start your own business or reinvent yourself. Mercury's retrogrades are all in air signs, compatible with your nature. Your communication skills can improve, just keep your temper in check. Your initiative should not let you be influenced by others. You will be the warrior, shining your bright light to guide us through the new year. Cheers to 2021!
Project: Making a Mask from a T-shirt
Product: Bella Unisex Jersey T-Shirt
Tutorial: DIY Face Mask | NO SEW | Tshirt | 5 Minutes
Taurus, get ready for 2021! You will be the racehorse that comes out of the starting gate. Mars enters your sign on January 6: it's time to go back to the world. Stop doubting, start doing what you didn't feel like doing in 2020. Mars is giving you an infusion of energy, confidence, and determination. Jupiter and Saturn are on the court in your career and professional life. Certain months of the year will offer a host of possibilities, partnerships, and changes. Your career can unfold in ways you didn't anticipate, so stay flexible and forge your way. These are exciting alignments; Staying flexible is your Taurus mantra! The most important alignment is the tension between the controlling Saturn and the rebellious Uranus. It's incredibly powerful for you; These planets activate your self-identity and career. Your identity and values are changing and need to be integrated into your work life. This year the opportunities are ripe and you may find yourself in a great position. Taurus, what role will you play in shaping our new era? Innovation will now be a priority in your work. It is time to get used to being seen in public and being true to yourself. You have that! Taurus, be brave, be confident, you can be so resilient to change, but this is the year that you cannot. You must appreciate yourself in 2020. We have all learned how volatile the world is. On a bright note, Jupiter moves into your 11th house for a short show in the spring, during which time your social life, connections, and romantic life can flourish. These relationships will be healing and restorative. The world is a better place. We will follow your example. Cheers to 2021!
Project: Tie-Dye
Product: Gildan Adult Heavy Cotton 5.3 oz. T-Shirt
Tutorial: How To Tie Dye!
Gemini, 2021 may be the year when life surprises you most profoundly and positively. 2020 has been a year of re-evaluation of what is meaningful and of value to you. Go study with teachers of wisdom, healers, gurus, philosophers, whoever and whatever it is what gives your life meaning. Go bathing in the forest, hang out in nature. Be on the lookout for wisdom. You love to learn; You feel in awe of the world. If you feel comfortable traveling again, go! Do it with a purpose. Saturn wants to give structure and meaning to your life. Jupiter extends it! Your wanderlust is back, big time. If you are not out to meet gurus or take planetary medicine, it is fine. Expand your world by engaging with others from different cultures. Your beliefs will guide you through 2021 and beyond with a deeper sense of connectedness - the ongoing Saturn square to Uranus, a big theme of 2021. As you find yourself searching for a deeper meaning in your life, you must spend time alone. It is important. Jupiter will switch to Pisces for a preview of 2022 from May to July to open up opportunities and growth in your professional life. What would you like to contribute as we enter a new era? Don't completely give up on your newfound passion for making TikTok dance numbers in quarantine as well. Gemini, you are still the funniest zodiac sign. always find recklessness.
Project: Half and Half Shirt
Product: Comfort Colors Adult Heavyweight RS T-Shirt
Welcome to 2021, Cancer. The first order of business: who is in your tribe? Who do you want to collaborate with and hang out with, dear Cancer? It is essential this year that you find that answer; expand your social network, look for the rebels, those who break with tradition, and push you out of your inner shell. You have your inner rebellion, so change your life expectations. 2020 prepared us to make radical changes; How do you imagine your life and your dreams? Who is worthy of being part of your journey? Jupiter and Saturn are activating your 8th house of personal transformation, shared resources, and intimacy for most of 2021. This powerful alignment invites you to deepen Your intimate relationships and shared resources Collaborations and opportunities to create new businesses and financial gains appear as that Jupiter moves to Pisces from May to July for a sneak peek of 2022, rewarding you with a new perspective and a yearning for new experiences. Learn, study, travel, expand your mind, Cancer, and plan for the future; It looks brighter! As we move into a new paradigm, your compassion and kind heart are just what the world needs. The tension between Saturn and Uranus is the most important celestial event in 2021. Keep those who nurture and support you, whose ideals align with the ones that don't, and delete them. Cancer of 2020 taught us that life is unpredictable, so take a chance this year. Show us all how to be kind, compassionate, and tender, and the benefits of that risk will be remarkable. Cheers to 2021!
Project: Galaxy Shirts
Product: Hanes ComfortSoft Cotton Tee
Tutorial: How to Make a Galaxy Shirt: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
Leo, rejoice, it's 2021! Welcome to a year focused on your partnerships and your career. Leo, are they authentic and satisfying the soul? Can they grow and evolve as you enter a new era, will they support your career? If not, go ahead. You won't have the tolerance if you feel suffocated or stuck. Leo, first examine if the problems are with you and release those old behaviors that sabotage your relationships. The 2021 celestial event is the square between Saturn and Uranus. Your career and your demands can be complicated. Your priority is to find the balance between the two and have a partner who supports the demands of your career. Urano has been activating his professional home since last year, and a lot has changed since 2020. Urano frees him from the limitations, the momentum of freedom, innovation, and new energy in your career. 2020 has taught us all how to be innovative to survive; You, Leo, were already ahead of the curve. 2021 may be the year to start your business or collaborate with those who have radical new ideas. Exciting times! Embrace your inner professional rebellion; take a chance to do what you have dreamed of doing. Jupiter moves to Pisces for a brief moment from May to July, allowing it to glimpse into 2022. Personal and business relationships deepen, financial opportunities abound. Take the initiative in your career. , love deeply, and ask yourself what you will contribute to making our world more inclusive, more kind, and compassionate. Leo, all you have to do is make us laugh, spread your joy and love widely. Nice work if you can get it and you got it! Cheers to 2021!
Project: Tank Top at home!
Product: Jerzees Adult 5.3 oz. DRI-POWER® SPORT T-Shirt
Tutorial: Make a T-Shirt a Tank Top
Virgo, welcome to 2021, a year to set limits and review your approach to work, daily routine, and personal care. Turn off the autopilot, Virgo. You are a workhorse and don't stop until you achieve that elusive perfection. Give it up, please. Setting limits and limits is essential. Being productive and useful is your essence, but not when it becomes detrimental to your well-being. The central celestial theme of 2021 is the Continuous Square between the controlling and restrictive Saturn and the rebellious and innovative Uranus. Uranus is a great alarm clock that guides you to different universes, literally activating your ninth house of spirituality, learning, wisdom, travel, and expansion of the mind. Take one of those non-practical classes you've always wanted to sign up for. Take that trip, the one that will feed your head. Virgo, you need more freedom in your work and in everyday life to pursue other callings. Be open and receptive to where the universe will lead you. Drop the self-criticism; Perfection is overrated. The most beautiful alignment is when Jupiter moves into Pisces from May to July, giving you a glimpse of what's in store for 2022. Jupiter will highlight your committed partnership with an infusion of love and revival. Jupiter's energy is creative, rejuvenating, and tender. Virgo, you need partners with whom you can relax and be comfortable. Pay attention to who is coming into your life at this point. 2021 is your year to expand your mind, set boundaries, and love deeper. Exhale, Virgo. Cheers to 2021!
Project: DIY Screen Printing
Product: Bella Unisex Jersey T-Shirt
Libra, 2021 promises you joy, creativity, and personal growth, but it's up to you to make it happen. The year begins with Mars colliding with the rebellious Uranus, inviting him to free himself from the limitations you have imposed on yourself. 2021 marks the beginning of a new era and a new paradigm; Your values have changed and it's time to get rid of what no longer reflects who you are. Uranus is undermining the eighth house of money, sexuality, intimacy, and personal transformation - juicy, Libra! You are having your inner revolution. You will have to deal with all the things that come with deep connections or get stunted. Jupiter and Saturn are working in your home of creativity, romance, and joy. The key is to stay disciplined, focused, and be part of the creative process. The significant celestial alignment of 2021 is the square of Saturn's structure with the rebellious Uranus. Saturn represents the past, Uranus the future. Your collaborations, resources, relationships, creativity, and self-expression must be integrated into what will become a creative restructuring of your life. You are responsible for your happiness, Libra. Commit to what brings you joy. The obligation is so 2020. Jupiter moves to Pisces from mid-May to July, giving you a preview of 2022. The focus is on your work, personal care, and well-being. The work that nurtures you reveals your tender side Libra, 2021 is your year of creativity, love, and personal growth. Stay committed and focused on your path and enjoy your beautiful year. Cheers to 2021!
Project: Design your tote bag!
Product: Marianne Cotton Canvas Tote
Tutorial: DIY Aesthetic Tote Bag ( Easy + Cheap)
Scorpio, brighter days are here! 2021 blesses you with new beginnings in your home life. As clichéd as it sounds, home is where your heart is. Indeed, this is the year to lay a solid foundation upon which to express your freedom and authenticity. Your home life, your family, and those considered family are of the utmost importance. Scorpio, you wonder, are you overly responsible for loved ones? Home is your inner sanctuary. So prioritize building one where you can feel freer, less restrictive, balanced, and relaxed. If you dominate your domestic life, you will feel angry. Living with a damaged Scorpio is scary. Please make the necessary adjustments or give your shrink a call. Scorpio, if you tend, prune, plant, and care for your domestic life like a gentle gardener you will have a fertile garden. Nothing beats being happy at home. The central heavenly theme for most of 2021 is the tension between Saturn, which is all about structure and responsibility, and Uranus, the rebel genius who is breaking us out of stagnation. Uranus has been holding court in your committed relationships since March 2019, Scorpio integrating your domestic life and committed partnerships so they don't feel stale, restrictive, or boring. Use this energy to your advantage and mess things up. It's a new era and the possibilities are limitless. From March to July, Jupiter moves to Pisces for a preview of 2022 that will bring you less stress, more joy, relaxation, and tenderness. It's extremely creative and romantic energy. Either way, it will flee on, so take advantage of all that love, home, and family fabulousness by the end of 2021.
Project: Striped Tie-Dye
Product: Gildan Adult Heavy Cotton 5.3 oz. T-Shirt
Tutorial: Stripes Tie-Dye technique
Sagittarius, 2021 dawns with a light of hope and new possibilities. You love adventure and prefer to dream big, so launch your network widely as you enter a new era. Aquarius landed in your third house of communication, modifying your way of thinking in the best way. You will be overloaded with innovative ideas, flashes of brilliance, and a racing mind. Wise, learn to meditate or find ways to calm your mind so you can sift through your thoughts.No more limiting musings, that's so 2020! The greatest celestial alignment of 2021 is the square between the restrictive and structured Saturn and the rogue genius, Uranus. Uranus has been shaking up your work and personal care area since March 2019. Sag, how you handle your work, your self-care and your daily routine should be the priority this year. Those to-do lists need to be edited. Don't overuse yourself. Uranus has been in a campaign to reform your career goals for some time and wants to get you out of a stagnant job. You may feel the need to be independent, self-employed, or continue to work remotely. We have so many brilliant, innovative ideas for you to use in your work and the possibilities are limitless. Say, get structure, write it down, and find ways to incorporate it into your daily life and self-care.
How do you want?
Note: It happens through your work and communication. From March to July, Jupiter appears briefly in your 4th home of home and family and gives you a happy reprieve. You can move or renovate your home. The family dynamic can heal and become more tender and loving, making it much easier to tune in to the ever-changing inner thoughts that can turn outward to our benefit. Cheers to 2021!
Project: Fabric Spray Paint
Product: Gildan G500
Tutorial: Spray Your Logo onto a T-shirt using Fabric Spray Paint
Exhale, Capricorn, 2021 is finally here! You have been, in a sense, chained to duty and responsibility for the past year. It's amazing to see the challenges that you overcame with grace and dignity. And while you are the hallmark of "showing up," I'm happy to tell you that lighter days are ahead. So yeah, it's time to break free and have fun! It is also the time to invest in yourself and find new outlets for your talents. Jupiter and Saturn align in 2021 to showcase their innate strengths, creativity, and values. What hidden skill or passion did you discover during the quarantine? There are no limits now, Cap, as the line of celestial energies to remove obstacles. And guess what? The greatest are the ones that you impose on yourself so drop them. Now think about your worth and the cost of your work and time. With the addition of the celestial appearance of the disciplined Saturn square to the rebellious Uranus, there is even more room for expansion and joy. Uranus has been dismantling your home of creativity, joy, and romance since 2019. Capricorn, to fully benefit from these energies, you need to sit down and think about how you can benefit from your talents. Use the creative juices to find new channels to make money. Heaven almost asks you to. I know a really good career coach if you need a recommendation! Then, from May to July, Jupiter moves to Pisces, giving you a sneak peek of 2022. Your attitude will find even more positivity, continuing this trend of good news. Learning, teaching, writing, and connecting with your community are calling you. They can also be creative ways to earn that extra money! Capricorn, we can't wait to see what your creativity brings to the world, especially in this new year! Cheers to 2021!
Project: T-Shirt Scarf
Product: Bella Unisex Jersey T-Shirt
Tutorial: DIY T-Shirt Scarf
Aquarius, 2021 greets you with a big spotlight and big expectations as Jupiter and Saturn take up residence in your sign. Aquarius now reigns as the astrological hotspot. You're being called on by the celestial skies to be a role model. Aquarians are known to be the humanitarians of the zodiac. When your highest virtues are embodied, we see great-- often global--changes, from ground-breaking scientific inventions to historic social movements. This alignment ushers in a new paradigm of how we collectively live and you get to play a major role. No pressure, but rise up, because we need you in this time of transition. It may feel like this is too heavy a load to bear, but it's actually filled with the promise of your own renewal and freedom. 2021 is offering a clean slate, freeing you from whatever limitations were imposed in 2020. Now, let loose to be your genuine, weird, authentic self. You just have to think about how you can apply these changes to others as well. Saturn is gifting you the structure and discipline, Jupiter the optimism and confidence to achieve what you desire. This theme of freedom is echoed in the Saturn/Uranus square. Squares create tension, yet they also propel us to take action. Uranian energy breaks you out of stagnation. 2020 may have seemed like you were frozen in quarantined quicksand. But now, if you resist change, Uranian energy may feel shocking and disruptive. We've had enough of that, no? Uranus has been holding court in your 4th house of home and family since 2019. Now, Aquarius, you may see some mini-earthquakes in these relationships. Family dynamics can shift, freeing you from drama that is getting in the way of 2021's good stuff. From May-July, Jupiter moves into your 2nd house of talents, values, and money, offering a glimpse of 2022. Opportunities for financial gain abound, so keep your eyes open. Aquarius, this month, take your rightful place under the spotlight while helping to move us forward. Cheers to that, and to 2021--and thanks!
Project: Shirt Cutout
Product: Bella Women's Jersey Muscle Tank
Tutorial: 68 Fun and Flirty Ways to Refashion Your T-Shirts
Pisces, 2021 is your year of inspiration! It all begins with the dynamic duo of Saturn and Jupiter taking center stage. Saturn, planet of structure, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, merge in your 12th house of creativity, mysticism, and retreat. The 12th house is where you find your mojo; you feel at home here, Pisces. This is the time to repair rifts, release the past, and forgive for the sake of your own sanity. It's also a call for greater personal freedom. What a relief from the profound restrictions of 2020. Ask yourself: what must you let go to liberate yourself from fears? What's holding you back from connecting to your deeper creative and spiritual sides? Now you have the space to figure it out. While you are deep in thought, the universe has a few challenges you must also face, the most significant one being Saturn and Uranus square, which dominates most of 2021. Pisces, you must clean up unresolved issues from the past and clear out the psychic debris. It may be painful, but it will ultimately provide healing. Please do watch out for your critical mind and be gentle with yourself. Stay away from the "coulda, woulda, shoulda” voice--it's just not helpful, only annoying. You may feel more adrift this year, but remember, it’s a time for soul searching and restoration. The more you clear the way, a more focused creativity will emerge. Record flashes of genius on your cell. You never know what will transpire and what may result in the end. Pisces, your ruler Jupiter moves into your sign in May-July previewing a 2022 for you full of magnetism and abundance. But don’t procrastinate until then. Start now; keep it going, and cheers to your inspired 2021!
Project: Ombre Dye
Product: Hanes Unisex 5.2 oz., 50/50 Ecosmart® T-Shirt
Tutorial: How to Ombré Dye a Shirt